Revenue Assurance
BSL Installation
Data Migration
Impact Assessments
Technical Assurance

Billing Specialists (Edinburgh) Ltd. took over the business of Billing Specialists Ltd (which was founded in March 2007) in October 2022, following relocation from England, but aside from a different company, everything else is unchanged.

The company can supply one or more consultants to work on rating and billing projects.

We provide consultancy at three levels: Business, Application and Technical.

Our consultants have a good understanding of billing and rating in multiple sectors but primarily telephony operators.

We have a very strong knowledge of NetCracker's Rating and Billing Manager application (formerly known as Geneva, which stood for Generic Event Architecture, and then Infinys, and now marketed as part of NetCracker' Smart Apps Suite). All of our consultants have previously worked for NetCracker (when it was owned by Convergys) on RBM.

Our technical skills are stong, with around 20 years of Oracle, Unix and C experience, along with many years of Perl and Java.

Founded by an ex-Convergys employee in 2007, the company has been very successful, with no gap between clients at any time. It is based in Cambridge in the UK, just 15 kilometres from NetCracker' UK head office in Cambourne.

For clients in the EU, we have the option of invoicing services (in Euro) thourgh our sister company based in Ireland.

Our consultants are generally busy on a client's site during working hours so please contact us, in the first instance, by e-mail via:

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